Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kenji Summers

We've released some new footage from our Pursuit of Passion: Diversity in Advertising shoot. 

Here the team shadows Kenji Summers, a strategist from BBH in NYC, on a typical day at work. Kenji is a self-described + Strategist + Cool Hunter + Idea Spreader + Connector. He's a guy that I know will be making an incredible journey in advertising for years to come. Find out more about him on his personal site.


Kenji Summers said...

Thanks so much for this mention Cecilia. I always wanted to see this footage.

Robert Trujillo/Tres said...

Incredible footage. Kenji's words as well as the documentary are super INSPIRING! I think i've watched it like 10 times since I first heard about it. How can I get a physical copy of the film to show it in the Bay Area?

Unknown said...

Hi Robert. It's so great to hear you how much you love this section with Kenji.

Go to the contact section of our POP website and we can get you a copy of the film
