Thursday, September 1, 2011

If you want to leave, leave

It is a big decision to leave your current company. Perhaps you want to work on different brands or you want a better growth potential. Maybe you hate your boss or your boss hates you. Whatever. You have made the decision it is time to leave.

So you begin interviewing.

Remember now, you have made the decision it is time leave. First. Then you begin interviewing. The order of these two tasks is important.

DO NOT do it in reverse. Begin interviewing then figure you'll decide if you want to leave depending on the opportunities that come your way.

Here is why.

Companies spend time and money interviewing and selecting candidates. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. They may even fly in out-of-town candidates and put them up for a day or two while interviewing.

If you are out interviewing, please be serious about actually taking the job. Do not use a job offer as leverage to stay where you are. Kinda sucky all around.

I've just flown someone in, had a wonderful interview, confirmed a great personality fit with the team, a super strong book, worked the mounds of offer paperwork through the pipes, presented an offer, then. . .

. . .was told "let me think about it."

Ok, that I understand. Perhaps this candidate is so good, there are other companies making offers at the same time. I can understand needing some time to gauge one place against another.

What I can't understand is someone needing time to decide if they even want to leave in the first place.

Remember, you have already made the decision to leave.

I'm happy I just got someone a big fat raise to stay where they are (if it is more money you want, please take a second to ask). I'm sad I used up a chunk of my recruiting budget for someone who deep down might not have been serious about moving on.

Think about where you are. Consider the money + the work + the growth + the culture. Then, decide whether or not to go out find something new. And if you could do that before giving me a call, that'd be great.


laurabonetti said...

I think there is a way to explore options, if you think you might want to leave your present company.

I'm a headhunter and people often call me and ask what's going on with the market, here are their frustrations with their current company, do I think it's a good idea for them to leave? I listen & give them my assessment: sometimes it would be better for them to work hard at their present job, to change the opportunity, as the potential success could help their career; or, maybe it's time for them to test the waters.

However, then I can mention to clients who interview the on-the-fence talent that the talent is, in fact, on the fence. That way, the company knows and might not put up travel costs.

It's a big decision to leave your present company and testing the waters can be done.

Of course, you might interview & realize that the best opportunity for you & your career might be to stay with your current employer. That there's no place like home!

Unknown said...

I would be happy to know ahead of time that a candidate was on the fence! Heck, I would love the chance to convince them I have a better opportunity.

Connecting with a headhunter is definitely a great way to hear what's going on in the job market without actually committing to leave.

Appreciate your insight Laura.